Monday 1 October 2012

A meal to remember (second post)

My lovely friend James took me out for a birthday treat the other week to a handsome (yes, I am using the word handsome to describe a place) restaurant called The Delaunay. I felt compelled to write a short post about it. This restaurant has an old fashion cool about it and the dark wooden interior with the silver plated cutlery just tops the look off. It was so cool that I was too scared to take more than one picture. The reason for the picture was the dainty bread on the table, a bread I have tried to make in the past;
Pain D’epi
For starters I had the Romano peppers stuffed with spiced aubergine and James had Tarte Flambee with smoked bacon and shallots. For mains I had Mackerel and James had Cordon Bleu Schnitzel with mash and greens. It was delicious and I'm delighted to have been taken there.

To top the evening off, we went for a drink at The Waldorf Hilton next door and I also got a lovely gift which I have yet to try out.
Adorable! Thanks James.

Seeing and eating the Pain D’epi reminded me of last Christmas, I made a Swedish Jul Bord for my boyfriend and his family. I had just seen Lorraine Pascale make the bread and thought let's give it a try! The bread didn't turn out amazing but looked the part....
Köttbullar, prinskorvar, skinka, leverpastej, ägg med citron majonäs, potatis and rödbetssallad plus some salad.

I can't wait for Christmas so we can spend time with our loved ones and eat lots of delicious food.

Here is to a white winter! x

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